Over centuries, the shapes of bodies adorning the covers of your favorite magazines have evolved but there’s one thing that has remained constant – we rule the world and look amazing doing it, no matter our dress size.
While the fashion industry touts trending body shapes in unforgiving clothing sizes, the reality is that no two figures share the same set of curves so when it comes to trying on clothing, the number may be right but the look is not quite what flatters your assets.
At Shapellx, we see you and we understand the plummeting confidence when you’ve tried on 10 pairs of jeans and threw them to the ground without an ounce of personal success, and we understand the glitter-bombing triumph when you put on that magical maxi skirt that makes you feel like you can conquer the world. We’ve been there too.
Our focus is to offer up a healthy, heaping dose of inner confidence while turning heads as you walk through the local coffee shop for your iced mocha latte. From the dressing room to the board room, from the park to Park Avenue, or from the basement to the boudoir, Shapellx will keep you feeling like your beautifully bangin’ self and cultivate that confidence to the moon and back.
Let’s get one thing straight. Confidence breeds body positivity and body positivity multiplies confidence. What a beautiful cyclical process. For many women, the question remains: How do I dip a gorgeous, nude open-toed heel into that cycle?

Reallocate the Assets
Asset reallocation is not just for stock investors but it’s a major confidence booster in the lives of women from everywhere, and of every proportion. Shapewear is designed with varying tastes in mind. Those who are feeling empowered with femininity may prefer a little black lace, while those having a tough day (but still need to go out in the world) may prefer something sturdy and functional.
Everyone enjoys the tops of muffins but may not prefer to keep them around their waistline. Reallocate those curves, smooth them out, and push them either up or down (preferably both) to achieve the profile that fits the mood of the day – one exuding the confidence vital to seize every opportunity.
Shapellx has you covered with the best shapewear for women on the market. With pieces that boost the booty or accentuate your girls, smooth out the waistline or display that gorgeous lower back, shapewear is perfect underneath any killer ensemble. Wear it under a sundress while watching your little ones swim in the backyard pool, a pro pants suit for the executive meeting presentation, or wear it alone for that boudoir photoshoot gift album for your partner – or better yet, for yourself.

Surround Yourself with Positive People
Every woman has that “goal” outfit buried deep in the abyss of their closet. You know the one – it still has tags on it because you bought it, tried it on at home, and found it to be a little snug in just a couple of places. You thought… if only I ate more salads, I’d look like a knockout in that thing – so you kept it.
And you forgot about it.
Throw on your Shapellx shapewear, try that puppy on again and make a date with a few of your closest, most supportive positive pals, and hit the town without looking back. Immediately after the sound of zippers easily zipping, confidence begins to seep into every fiber of your being and you breeze right by the full-length mirror with just a glance because you KNOW you look good – there’s no need to overanalyze.
Happy hour might be calling your name, or maybe a book club get-together but either way, you deserve some compliments and a heavy dose of joy wrapped in a sense of conviction.

A Recipe for Confidence
Confidence and body positivity can be dependent on one another and for many women, it depends on the day so arm yourself with all the right ingredients to bring on those feelings.
Step 1
Throw on the highest heels in your closet, a striking Shapellx full body shaper most women drool over, push your shoulders back, lift your chin, and lengthen that stride. When you walk with a purpose (whatever yours is), you glow with the certainty that you are YOU and no one is more perfect.
Step 2
Replace any insecurities with positive thoughts about your body. We all have those nagging thoughts and it’s easy for people to tell you to just “forget about them” but as the old adage goes – it’s easier said than done. However, replace those thoughts by finding something complimentary about the parts that are pecking at you helps on the road to negativity eradication and brings forward that confidence – even if it’s just “for now.” Practice makes perfect, ya know.
Step 3
Get out there and do something new – with someone “not-new.” It can be scary to try and fail instantly at something but… we are our own worst critics and just by exploring the unknown – you’ve already overcome the odds. You may even have a bit of fun – especially if your long-time childhood friend, your cousin on your mother’s side, or your romantic partner is also a beginner.
You could try ax throwing, an escape room, golf, or karaoke – whatever floats your boat. Laugh at your blunders together and be confident in a lack thereof – while looking fabulous over (and under) that awesome outfit.

Let’s Get Physical
Olivia Newton-John had it partially right… Studies show that physical activity can boost confidence in women but for many women, they don’t see results quickly and sometimes not at all. Exercising for weight loss has different impacts than exercising for confidence.
The art of Tai Chi can bolster your self-worth and good ‘ole aerobics has a tendency to lift the self-esteem of women. Great news, you don’t even need one of those braided 80s headbands (unless you want one because nothing says confidence like sporting a decades-old forehead accessory and you’ll rock it… steady). Phew… the 80s puns are strong with this one!
If exercise isn’t your thing, light movement like going for a walk on your lunch break, hiking on a third date with your crush, or just browsing the displays at your local clothing store with your BFF paired with Shapellx’s one-of-a-kind waist trainer multiplies those feelings of certitude.
The best waist trainer for women, this super-tool works to reduce water weight while stripping you of the midsection and/or thigh inches while it lifts those hips to new heights. Wear it during your physical excursion or use it every day to feel trim and tight under your clothing.
Just Keep Doing It
If you’re fortunate enough to have a hobby or a paid position you both obsess over and are just great at… keep doing it. Maybe you love helping other women grow their personal feelings of body positivity like we do, or have a knack for pairing an amazing outfit with even more amazing accessories. It’s possible you treasure sitting down in front of a laptop blogging about life hacks and have been told you “have a way with words.” Maybe you slay at your job renovating homes, as a child advocate, or even as a civil rights lawyer. Either way – pour your heart and soul into something personally rewarding (and are really outstanding at it), the sky literally has no limits for you. Confidence happens.
Pair your bread-and-butter-winning hobby or J-O-B with something that makes you feel like a million bucks on the surface and what lies beneath it. Shapellx offers gorgeous body suits to flatter your figure and may even play a little game of lacy peek-a-boo under that low-neckline top.
Success breeds confidence and when you continue to see individual success through something you adore, there are no boundaries to the feeling of utter certainty. Who knows… you may even transform your hobby into a new small business venture or finally set a meeting to consult with your boss over that much-deserved raise. Just take cover and watch out for the wreckage of a thick glass ceiling.
Boosting confidence is not a one-and-done task, but a lifelong commitment; over time, it can become second nature. The first step is the most challenging – deciding that you’re worth it. Set yourself up for positivity. Dress the part, act the part, and before you know it… you are the STAR of every show.
For a while, every day could feel like a walk through but all of a sudden, in one indescribable instant, you find yourself in a dress rehearsal sporting Shapellx’s innovative shapewear and your most luxurious vacation dress. One day soon… it’ll be opening night and from there – there’s no turning back (and no need to).
Open your mind, body, and soul to the well-deserved standing ovation. You confident woman, you!
We see you and we celebrate your journey.